Dr. Jaanus Pikani
Surgeon in head and neck Oncology
Jaanus Pikani has been practicing surgeon in head and neck oncology, hospital manager of National Cancer Centre and Tartu University Hospitals, secretary general of the Ministry of Social Affairs of Estonia and director the office of the President of Estonia. Dr. Pikani has been active member of the team that orchestrated transition of the Estonian health care from the Soviet type system to one of the most cost-efficient health care systems globally recognized by the World Bank.
On the verge of the century Jaanus was among the initiators and architects of the Estonian Genome Project, a growing globally unique population-based health and genome data bank of 200,000 participants as of today. Currently he is entrepreneur and consultant for the World Bank and other international sponsoring organization, national governments and private companies in health care, medical technology and technology infrastructure; chairman of a regional innovation infrastructure organization Tartu Biotechnology Park, and of ScanBalt, a biotech meta-cluster organization of ScanBalt BioRegion, composed of the health and bio economy communities in Denmark, Estonia, Finland, Iceland, Latvia, Lithuania, Norway, Poland, Sweden, Northern Germany, Northern Netherlands and Northwestern Russia with more than 60 universities and over 3000 companies active in the region.